Sight does not guarantee Having Vision

Just because you see 2025 doesn't mean you have a Vision for it.

There’s an old fable about three men who come across a poisonous tree.The first man worries about the tree’s risk to others. “Let’s destroy it before someone eats its poisonous fruit,” he says.

The second man is wiser. He sees the first man’s point, but he wonders whether it’s necessary to cut down the tree. “Let’s not cut it down,” he says, “but build a fence around it so nobody is poisoned.”

The third man is wiser still. He says, “Oh, a poisonous tree. Perfect! Just what I was looking for; I’ll gather its fruit and use it to prepare medicine.”

The third man knew three things that the other two didn’t know:

  1. Awareness: Do you know how to turn “poison to medicine?” Trump was ridiculed before the November 2024 elections. He knew he could turn it around and so he did by saying, “ They are not attacking me, they are attacking you because they know together we are going to get our country back….”
  2. Responsibility: You’re not a victim but a Victor. Stop blaming your enemies or the poison that is thrown at you. Your father, or ex is not responsible for your life. Take ahold of your life. The world owes you nothing. Be like the third guy.
  3. Wisdom of a learner: If you don’t know what to do. Find out. Learn from the best of the best. Anything bad can turn to good if we are keen to learn from it.

Sight is not vision


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