There comes a point in everyone’s life when they come to an understanding.
The understanding of what matters to and what is does not matter!
For me, both realizations crystallized in a flash. I was 25, had just lost $5320 in a bad business deal- that’s all I had at the moment.
“My ego is deflated, an opportunity is gone. I have chocked”, I thought to myself.
What was the next step for me? How do I bounce back from such failure?
I went on a search; read every business book I could get my hands on, sought appointments with millionaires and examined my life.
In my search for wisdom I was seated down at a hotel sipping to a cold Coke while all over a sudden the words of my coach came back to me.
“Sudesh shit happens to the best of us. You can’t feel sorry for yourself. If you want to get up you gotta ask yourself three questions”
1. Does the dream still matter to you?
2. Are you prepared to do whatever the take to get to the end?
3. Have I done my best today?
The above questions have ever since guided me. I use them on my clients and we have amazing success.
Have you had failure? Rise above!