A few weeks ago while facilitating a Staff retreat for one of our clients, I engaged the attendees into a mental toughness exercise: walking on glass with their bare feet.
Fifty percent of the audience chose not to take part in the exercise sighting prudence as the reason.
Millions of people skydive every year. But how many people would volunteer to try it first? The first successful parachute jump was in 1797. That was a brave guy.
In the US, there are about 20 skydiving deaths out of 3.3 million jumps annually. Seeing that data, with my luck, I would seriously hesitate to skydive. And yet, I casually take a far greater risk every day.
Did you know that traveling by road is the most dangerous type of transport? My audience took a much bigger risk of traveling three hundred kilometers to the retreat and avoided walking on broken glass because of the deception of familiarity.
Every year most people walk the familiar route of going back to work, paying fees, waiting to be told what to do at work and living one day at a time. They are deceived that if they do what they did last year results will be the same. That is insanity- doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
I want it to invite you to live on the edge, venture out for something new in 2024. Don’t give into the deception of the familiar.